Friday, May 24, 2013

Racism Vs. The World

Authors Note: This is a piece about racism and how it should never occur because it is such a bad thing in the world.

If you saw someone being racist towards another person what would you do? People tend to be racist towards other people and that is what happened in the stories “After you my Dear Alphonse” and “Adventures of an Indian Princess”.  There are a lot of racist things that happen in these two stories.

Such as in the two stories the parents are just alike. The parents are being racist and don’t know it. They think they aren’t, but they really are. During the story “After you my Dear Alphonse” the mom said she was disappointed because Boyd didn’t take the clothes she offered him. The mom didn’t even realize she was calling Boyd poor. In “Adventures of an Indian Princess” the parents where telling her to go take a picture with an Indian, she didn’t want to but her parents made her take the picture even though the guy wasn’t an Indian. There are more reasons why they were being racist.

Another reason why they were being racist is the mother told Boyd to eat as much as he wanted because she thought Boyd didn’t get to eat much. Therefore the mother is being racist and saying Boyd is poor and doesn’t eat a lot. The parents of the kid in “Adventure of an Indian Princess” the parents made her go to an Indian camp when she didn’t want to. The parents where saying that it is good to be around people of her kind. There are many more ways that they are being racist, but they also have their differences.

In the story “After you my Dear Alphonse”  the mother was being racist towards another kid rather than her own and in the story “Adventures of an Indian Princess” she was being racist towards a kid that she adopted so she was kind of there kid but it was still a very mean thing to do to them.

The Stories had many similarities but a little differences. The racism in both of these stories are horrific. They are so bad the parents should have noticed them. Racism is a thing that shouldn’t exists on the world anymore because it is such a terrible thing. many people don't know that they are being racist.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Along time ago in china when a girl child was born the mother would bend her feet. They thought this would make her more beautiful and make rich guys like them. The moms would tie a bow on their feet so it would stop the circulation and make them feel less pain.

But here in America we go through different things such as being bulimic and anorexic to make ourselves look pretty, but it doesn’t help it just makes us look different and we can almost die from these two things. The ribbons meant different things to both of the siblings, but it brought the grandmother and the kid together. It reminded the grandmother of what happened to her feet when she was younger and the ribbons meant what the kid loved to do…… Dance. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A Monsters Strength

Authors note: This is about a text analysis about the book "Monster" by Walter Dean Myers.

What do you think about what Steve has been going through in the story "Monster"? There were so many emotions in this story such as sadness, scared, and worry.  The story also shows a great amount of strength, such as Steve being accused for robbing the drug store even though he was only an aquatint  with the person that did rob the drug store. He just had to have strength in himself so he could get through that. Without strength Steve or his family would not be able to survive what he has went through.

Strength is a very important characteristic to have throughout this story, because he would not have made it through the things that he did. Strength is one of those characteristics you need to make it through everything such as a family member passing away or a friend that you have known for a really long time move away. Not only did Steve need strength to survive what he had to go through but many other people had to go through it too.

James King had to go through just as much as Steve did, but James actually committed the crime and killed the clerk. He also encouraged Steve to rob the drug store with James, but Steve had strength in himself and didn't do it. Steve had a lot of strength throughout the story which is a very important characteristic to have

If Steve had no strength in himself he would have been guilty of committing the crime, but he did have strength in himself and he was proven to be not guilty. Therefore strength is very important to have even if it was something really easy to go through, but Steve went through a lot more than anyone has.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

After You My Dear Alphonse

In this story Mrs. Wilson is being very nice to Boyd but just a little too nice. She is so nice that she is being racist towards Boyd. She starts saying that she has some extra clothes that she can give to him, but he says no to the clothes and she says she is disappointed that he didn't take the clothes. Mrs. Wilson was treating Boyd like he is poor but he really isn't that poor.

Friday, April 26, 2013

A Clean well Lighted place respnse

the angles in the story were so blank and made me not want to watch it because we have a short attention span. The music made scenes more dramatic, such as when the old guy walks out of the café. That part made me sad and made me want to give the old guy a hug.

The younger waiter was very mean to the old guy which also made me want to give him a hug.  The waiter told him he should have killed himself last week. Which was not a very nice thing to say even though he is deaf, it’s still mean. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


The young waiter reminds me of someone that I know that is not a very good person because he lives with his mom and he does bad things like steal stuff. He also yells at his mom and takes money from her because he doesn't have a job.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Thank you Ma'am

Authors Note: This piece is a text analysis about the story "Thank you Ma'am", Talking about faith and trust.

If you want a story with faith and trust, “Thank you Ma’am” is the story to read. During the story “Thank you Ma’am” Roger attempts to steal money from a large women, but the women stops him and brings him to her home where he cleans his face gets dinner and some money for the blue suede shoes he was dying to get. Faith and trust are two major themes in this story for many reasons.
“Thank you Ma’am” is a story that could treat you a life lesson about trust. An example of trust would be,  Roger is  a fourteen year old boy that was trying to get some blue suede shoes at a store. So he tries to steal money from a lady, but the lady catches him and brings him to her home. There he had many chances to leave but he didn't because he started to have trust in her, such as her feeding Roger because there is no one at his house to feed him.
Another reason, she also gave him money to get some groceries from the store for her, he easily could have taken the money and bought those blue suede shoes he wanted so badly, but he didn't because he doesn't want to be distrusted. Besides the trust between these two people there faith is also growing.
Faith between Roger and the lady began to grow stronger also. Roger had started to think that the lady wasn't so mean after all. She began to help him instead of yelling at him. She got him to clean his face, she fed him dinner, and gave him money to get the blue suede shoes. The end of the story he doesn't see her ever again and he could barely say thank you for all the stuff she did for him.
“Thank you Ma’am” is a great story to read about faith and trust because they show so much of it throughout the story. If he didn't try to steal the money and just asked her she would have gave it to Roger, because she knows what it was like to be a kid. Trust and faith are two major themes in this story.