Monday, October 15, 2012

Never Good to be Cocky
Authors Note: This piece is a short piece about a cocky baseball player. This is my cause and effect piece

Casey is a cocky baseball player that thinks he is the best at baseball but he let’s 2 balls that he could ,have easily hit, but he doesn't. They are down by 2 with 2 people on base. They also have 2 outs and now 2 strikes. With the final pitch coming towards him he swings the bat and misses the ball.

They lost because of Casey having so much confident in him self. When you are cocky it is not a good thing because you could lose and people would start not to like you. Being cocky can have a major effect in your life such as losing friends and getting people mad at you.

1 comment:

  1. I think you could think of some other ways to describe cocky in the story. You use the word cocky a little too much in this piece.
