Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A Monsters Strength

Authors note: This is about a text analysis about the book "Monster" by Walter Dean Myers.

What do you think about what Steve has been going through in the story "Monster"? There were so many emotions in this story such as sadness, scared, and worry.  The story also shows a great amount of strength, such as Steve being accused for robbing the drug store even though he was only an aquatint  with the person that did rob the drug store. He just had to have strength in himself so he could get through that. Without strength Steve or his family would not be able to survive what he has went through.

Strength is a very important characteristic to have throughout this story, because he would not have made it through the things that he did. Strength is one of those characteristics you need to make it through everything such as a family member passing away or a friend that you have known for a really long time move away. Not only did Steve need strength to survive what he had to go through but many other people had to go through it too.

James King had to go through just as much as Steve did, but James actually committed the crime and killed the clerk. He also encouraged Steve to rob the drug store with James, but Steve had strength in himself and didn't do it. Steve had a lot of strength throughout the story which is a very important characteristic to have

If Steve had no strength in himself he would have been guilty of committing the crime, but he did have strength in himself and he was proven to be not guilty. Therefore strength is very important to have even if it was something really easy to go through, but Steve went through a lot more than anyone has.

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